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Artigos em Revistas / Research Papers


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Rodríguez-Ruiz, Á., Gómez C.L., González-Ortegón, E. First Record of Loppe’s Tadpole Fish Ijimaia loppei (Ateleopodidae) in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula), Including Notes on its Diet. Thalassas 40, 1577–1583.

Herrera, I., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-Ortegón, E. Physiological responses of the invasive blue crabs Callinectes sapidus to salinity variations: Implications for adaptability and invasive success. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 297, 111709.

Medeiros, D.V., Dias, M.A., Cordeiro, C.C., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F. Updated Checklist, Traits and Conservation Status of the Ichthyofauna of Aratu Bay, Eastern Brazil. Diversity, 16, 517.

Cuesta, J., Acosta-Morillas, V., González, G., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-Ortegón, E. First record of the snapping shrimp Alpheus cf. lobidens (Decapoda, Caridea, Alpheidae) in the Gulf of Cadiz, an unexpected introduction to European waters from the Persian Gulf. Crustaceana, 97(5-9), 429-451.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Gómez C.L., González-Ortegón, E. A non-native fish species reaches the south-western European waters: the Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Acanthuriformes, Sciaenidae) and its invasion history in Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e120736.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Kourantidou, M., Laiz, I., Nuñez, M., González-Ortegón, E. How to deal with invasive species that have high economic value?. Biological Conservation. 292, 110548.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-González, G., Laiz, I., Fernández-Delgado, C., Cuesta, J.A., González-Ortegón, E. Population structure of the invasive snapping shrimp, Alpheus cf. lobidens (Decapoda, Alpheidae) in Southwestern Europe. Journal of Shelfish Research. 43(1), 59-68.

González-Ortegón, E., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Muñoz, I., Gómez, C.L., F., Arana, D., Cuesta, J.A. Atlantic expansion of the pink shrimp Penaeus (Farfantepenaeus) notialis Pérez-Farfante, 1967 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) to the southernmost coast of Europe. Marine Biodiversity.

León-Cobo, M.J., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Arana, D., Lobato, C., Cuesta, J.A., González-Ortegón, E. Recent findings of the deep–sea fish species Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810 and Notacanthus bonaparte Risso, 1840 (Chordata, Teleostei) in Southwestern Europe (Gulf of Cádiz, SW Spain). Arxius de Miscel·lània Zoològica. 22, 1-8.


González-Ortegón, E., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Vilas, C., Baldó, F., Cuesta, J.A. Trends in the decapod crustacean community at the southernmost estuary of the Atlantic coast of Europe. Scientific Reports. 13, 22857.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Cuesta, J. A., Arana, D., Lobato, C., González-Ortegón, E.. Westward range expansion of the blue swimmer crab Portunus segnis (Forskål, 1775) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) into Atlantic European waters. BioInvasions Records, v. 12(4), p. 1033-1044.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Medeiros, D. V., Silva, R.A., González-Ortegón, E.. Width/length–weight relationships and condition factor of seven decapod crustaceans in a Brazilian tropical estuary. Regional Studies in Marine Science, v. 60, p. 102880.


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-Ortegón, E. Scavenging behavior by Phyllonotus oculatus (Gastropoda: Muricidae) in a South Atlantic reef. Marine Biodiversity. v. 52, p. 60.

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Roque-Atienza, D., González-Ortegón, E. Sea Cucumber (Holothuria arguinensis) as a Shelter for Juvenile Fish (Diplodus bellottii) in the Gulf of Cadiz (Southwestern Spain). Diversity. v. 14, p. 872.


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Torres, M. A., Farias, C., Acosta, J. J., Tornero, J., Sobrino, I., Ramos, F., Llope, M. International politics must be considered together with climate and fisheries regulation as a driver of marine ecosystems. Global Environmental Change, v. 69, p. 102288.


Llope, M., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Baldó, F., González-Cabrera, C., Jiménez, M. P., Licandro, P., Vilas, C. Gulf of Cadiz zooplankton: Community structure, zonation and temporal variation. Progress in Oceanography, v. 186, p. 102379. 2020


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-Ortegón, E., Baldó, F., Vilas, C., Drake, P., Llope, M. Natural and anthropogenic effects on the early life stages of European anchovy in one of its Essential Fish Habitats, the Guadalquivir estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Advance View, 2019

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., González-Ortegón, E., Baldó, F., Vilas, C., Drake, P., Llope, M. Supplementary Material. Natural and anthropogenic effects on the early life stages of European anchovy in one of its Essential Fish Habitats, the Guadalquivir estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Advance View, 2019


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Llope, M., Tinoco, M.S., Medeiros, D.V., Maia-Nogueira, R., Sampaio, C.L.S. Marine litter disrupts ecological processes in reef systems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 133, p. 464-471, 2018

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Llope, M., Tinoco, M.S., Medeiros, D.V., Maia-Nogueira, R., Sampaio, C.L.S. Supplementary Material. Marine litter disrupts ecological processes in reef systems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 133, p. 464-471, 2018


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Miranda, D., Pataro, L. Hazards in hanging gardens: A report on failures of recognition by green turtles and their conservation implications. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 105, p. 98-101, 2016

Miranda, D., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F. Are we eating plastic-ingesting fish? Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 103, p. 109-114, 2016

Miranda, D., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F. Corrigendum to “Are we eating plastic-ingesting fish?” Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 103, p. 109–114, 2016


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F. Association between juvenile carangid fish with the jellyfish Aurelia sp. and a floating plastic bag. Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography. v. 4:1, p. 1-13, 2015


Pataro, L., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F. Análisis del estado actual de conservación florística en los biomas de Brasil. Conservación Vegetal, v. 18, p. 17-19, 2014


Melo, T.S., de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Peres, M.C.L., Browne-Ribeiro, H.C., Dias, M.A. The utilization of visible implant fluorescent elastomers in spiders (Araneae: Theraphosidae. Revista de Aracnología, v. 23, p. 99-101, 2013


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Ogasawara, H.A., Abrão-Oliveira, J.G., Aguiar, L.G.P.A., Barreto, R.M. A percepção de crianças sobre o lixo marinho: Uma abordagem lúdica na popularização das ciências. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 42, p. 1-4, 2012


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Tinôco, M.S. Avaliação do Lixo Marinho em Costões Rochosos na Baía de Todos os Santos, Bahia, Brasil. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. v.11, p. 135,143, 2011


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Browne-Ribeiro, H.C., Nascimento, I.A., Cerqueira, R.S., Tinoco, M.S. Avaliação do Implante Visível de Elastómero Fluorescente (VIFE) em Tricogaster trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) em cativeiro, incluindo informações sobre a técnica utilizada. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v. 8, p. 24-29, 2010


de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Souza Neto, M.C.L., Aleluia, F.T., Nascimento, I.A., Browne-Ribeiro, H.C., H.C., Cerqueira, R.S., Tinoco, M.S. Occurrence of isopods ectoparasites in marine fish on the Cotegipe Bay, north-eastern Brazil. Marine Biodiversity Records, v. 2, e160 p. 1-4, 2009


Informes e Relatórios Técnicos / Technical Reports

ICES. 2019. Fariñas, A., Andonegi, E., Beggs, S., Jacob Bentley., Borges., M. F., de Carvalho- Souza., G. F. Doray, M., Howell, D., Issac, P., Laffargue, P., Lehuta, S., Llope, M., Arsuaga, M. L., Martínez, I., Pedreschi, D., Petitgas, P., Ramirez, I. P., Reid, D., Hidalgo, M. M. R., Serpetti, N., Szalaj, D., Torres, M., Travers-Trolet, M. (Authors). Working Group on Ecosystem Assessment of Western European Shelf Seas (WGEAWESS). ICES Scientific Reports. 1:64. 75. 2019

Andonegi, E., Llope, M., de Carvalho-Souza, G. F. Comparison of trophic control dynamics between two areas of the Western European Shelf Seas, the bay of Biscay and gulf of Cadiz. Final Report of the ICES Science Fund Project. 2015

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Anais da I Semana do Meio Ambiente. UCSal. 2008

de Carvalho-Souza, G.F., Watanabe-Ferreira, Y., Peres, M.C.L., Tinôco, M.S. Relatório final de atividades da I Semana do Meio Ambiente – SEMEIA. Compromisso Sócio- Ambiental. Universidade Católica do Salvador – UCSal. Salvador – Bahia. 2008


Gustavo F. de Carvalho-Souza

Biólogo, PhD, Mergulhador Científico e Consultor Ambiental. Nasceu em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Autor de dezenas de trabalhos técnicos, artigos científicos e de divulgação. Participou e/ou Coordenou projetos de monitoramento ambiental financiados por instituições e empresas nacionais e internacionais ao longo dos últimos 15 anos. Atualmente desenvolve programas ambientais e de inovação, criando soluções sustentáveis para empresas e cidades.

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